High School Guidance » Career Info

Career Info

Career Information

Career Voyages- Career
information from the U.S. Department of Labor
Career Zone- An innovative online career exploration and planning system designed by NY Sate Department of Labor especially for today's high-tech youth in New York State.  CareerZone presents current and relevant occupational and labor market Information in a clear and interesting way, making career exploration and planning fun and easy. www.nycareerzone.org

Guidance Direct: School ID=6314026 & School Password=N20S8291. Students can do self-assessments, research careers, search colleges, and complete resumes. www.guidancedirect.com

New York State Department of Labor- offers the latest job information and labor statistics. www.labor.ny.gov/home

Occupational Outlook handbook: Descriptions of occupations. www.bls.gov/oco/
TFS- Tuition Funding Sources is sponsored by Pepsi-Cola and offers a variety of job information as well as scholarship opportunities. www.tuitionfundingsources.com

Civil Service- St. Lawrence County Civil Service testing information.

North Country Now offers classified advertisement about area employment opportunities. www.northcountrynow.com/classifieds/employment

Military Links