Parent Information » Snack Pack Program

Snack Pack Program

The Snack Pack Program provides children in the community with healthy foods for the weekends and holidays. Each Friday, participating students in grades K-5 are given a “Snack Pack” to take home with them.
A committee of volunteers organizes the program, shops for items, packs the snacks, and works on fundraising efforts. The Snack Pack Program is funded solely by donations.
This program helps many students in the Norwood-Norfolk Central School District.


What does a volunteer do?...

The Snack Pack Program is supported by a committee of volunteers. Committee members are active in several ways . . .

  • Organizing the program
  • Shopping for items
  • Fundraising efforts
And, of course . . .
  • Packing the snacks
— Three to four people from the committee gather at NNCS each Thursday morning at 9:00 to sort the snacks and pack them in gallon size plastic bags for distribution to the students participating in the program.
— Each committee member assists with packing the sacks approximately once a month.
— Meetings are held 1 to 2 times a year.

If you would like to volunteer, please contact Rita Jackson at 353-8816 [email protected]

Donation Form

The Snack Pack Program is always appreciative of donations. To make a donation, please use the donation form below in the "Files" section. Thank you for your support of the Snack Pack Program.
